Why was I declined?
Let’s get you covered.
Traditional Insurers may decline insurance coverage for any number of health or lifestyle reasons. If you are dealing with a chronic condition, are medicating for anything; have tests, investigations or treatment that has not been completed yet; If you have a lifestyle history that may be checkered; if you are over weight; do not apply for coverage until you have spoken with us.
Applicants are often declined with a history of cancer, heart attack/stroke, Type 1 or insulin dependent Type 2 diabetes, depression, M.S., Aids/HIV, Mental Illness, Muscular Dystrophy, uncontrolled high blood pressure, cholesterol or protein levels, weight issues and a myriad of other conditions.
An applicant will likely be declined for risky lifestyle or highly rated for any of the following; more than 3 speeding tickets in the last 5 years; 1 DUI in the last 5 years; 1 use of a hard drug in the last 5 years; for the use of more than 2 grams per week of marijuana; for visiting any number of third world countries in the last 5 years; for operating as a pilot or co pilot of an aircraft.
You are insurable.
Youareinsurable.ca specializes in obtaining affordable life, disability and critical illness insurance coverage for people with risky health or lifestyle histories. We have the option of working with up to nine different insurers to find the right coverage to suit your needs. Before you apply for coverage through anyone else reach out for a quote or just to discuss your situation. We are here to help guide you with your financial security needs.